Health Issues Related to Drugs

Drugs have been a part of our culture since the middle of the last century. Popularized in the 1960s by music and mass media, they invade all aspects of our society. A number of factors such as peer pressure, curiosity, stress, fun etc, could lead one to use drugs. Most people have tried some or the other form of drugs but why is it that only a few get addicted? Most drugs directly or indirectly target the brain’s reward system by flooding the circuit with dopamine; a neurotransmitter present in regions of the brain that regulate movement, emotion, cognition, motivation, and feelings of pleasure. When drugs enter the brain, they can change how the brain performs its functions. These changes are what lead to compulsive drug use, the hallmark of addiction.

Although drug use is a choice, it is important to understand the effects of drug use – both immediate and long-term – to our brain, body and life.

Health Problems

The impact of drug abuse and dependence can be far-reaching, affecting almost every organ in the human body. A person on drugs may not realize they have a problem until pronounced effects of drug abuse are seen, often physically. While drug abuse effects on the body vary depending on the drug used, all drug abuse negatively impacts one’s health. Some common effects are:

  • Weaken the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infections.
  • Sharing needles from injecting certain types of drugs can put one at major risk for getting diseases like Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, as well as HIV.
  • Lead to cardiovascular conditions ranging from abnormal heart rate to heart attacks. Injected drugs can also lead to collapsed veins and infections of the blood vessels and heart valves.
  • Cause nausea, vomiting, unusual sleeping patterns and abdominal pain.
  • Liver damage or failure.
  • Seizures, stroke and widespread brain damage that can impact all aspects of daily life by causing problems with memory, attention and decision-making, including sustained mental confusion and permanent brain damage.
  • Produce global body changes such as breast development and impotence in men, dramatic fluctuations in appetite and increases in body temperature, which may impact a variety of health conditions.
  • Drug related injuries occurring from accidents, violent behaviour, falling, etc,.

Effects on the Brain

Drug abuse can have prolonged effects on one’s brain, interfering with an individual’s ability to make decisions, leading to compulsive craving, seeking and use. Before people can realise, they are suffering from ‘Drug Dependency’. All drugs of abuse – nicotine, cocaine, marijuana, and others – affect the brain’s “reward” circuit, which is part of the limbic system. Drugs hijack this “reward” system, causing unusually large amounts of dopamine to flood the system. This flood of dopamine is what causes the “high” or euphoria associated with drug abuse.

Psychological Effects

One of the primary effects of drug abuse can be found within the definition of drug abuse itself: an increasing, intense desire to use the drug above all else. Drug craving can shift a person’s entire mental focus to obtaining the drug. Side effects of drug abuse then include preoccupation with where to get the drug, how to get money for the drug, and where and when the drug can be used. Psychological drug abuse effects commonly include changes in mood. A person may be anxious, thinking about when they can next use the drug, or depressed due to drug side effects.

Few Psychological effects of drug abuse are:

  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Depression and Schizophrenia
  • Aggressiveness
  • Hallucinations
  • Addiction
  • Impaired Judgment
  • Impulsiveness
  • Loss of Self-Control

Birth Defects

For pregnant Women who use illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamines, and heroin pose various risks for their babies. Some of these drugs can cause a premature delivery, babies could suffer from withdrawal symptoms, birth defects or learning and behavioral problems. Additionally, illicit drugs may be prepared unhygienically that may be harmful to a pregnancy. Women who use illicit drugs may engage in other unhealthy behaviors that place their pregnancy at risk, such as having extremely poor nutrition or developing sexually transmitted infections.

Lifestyle and Relationships

Drug abusers choose drugs over everybody else; that includes family and friends. One of the side effects of drug abuse is the loss of friendship and family due to these choices. Conflict and breakdowns in communication can become more common. Drug use can also affect our ability to concentrate at work. The side effects of using drugs-like a hangover, or a “coming down” feeling-can reduce the ability to focus at work, loss of productivity, etc., leading  to disciplinary action, expulsion or dismissal. Regular drug use is an expensive affair. In extreme situations, people who are addicted to drugs might try anything-including unlawful activities such as stealing, to secure money to get their next fix.



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Addiction is Disease

There is a misconception that if we label drug addiction as a disease, we are taking the responsibility away from the drug addict. Now consider this. If we say a person has heart disease, are we eliminating their responsibility? No. We are providing them with treatment, having them exercise, eat healthy, quit smoking. The majority of the Biomedical community now considers addiction, in all its essence, to be a disease.

The very concept of addiction suffers gravely from imprecision and misinterpretation. The confusion comes in part whether specific drugs are “physically” or “psychologically” addictive. However, years of scientific research has shown that focusing on this physical versus psychological distinction is misguided and a distraction from the real issues. What really matters most is whether or not a drug causes what we now know to be the essence of addiction, namely,

“The uncontrollable, compulsive drug craving, seeking, and use, even in the face of negative health and social consequences.”

This is the crux of how the Institute of Medicine, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Medical Association define addiction and how we should all use the term. It is only this compulsive quality of addiction that matters in the long run to the addict, to his or her family and the society.

Addiction has three main characteristics that categories it as a disease. Firstly, it runs a lifelong course characterized by frequent relapses, cross addiction and a common set of behavioral changes. Secondly, like many chronic medical disorders, genetics play an important role in determining who is at a more probable risk of becoming addicted. Finally, there are effective medications that treat drug addiction by blocking the rewarding effects of drugs and reducing cravings.

However, it must be noted that recognizing addiction as a disease does not mean that the addict is simply a hapless victim. Addiction begins with the voluntary behavior of using drugs, and addicts must participate in and take some significant responsibility for their recovery. Thus, having this disease does not absolve the addict of responsibility for his or her behavior. But it does explain why an addict cannot just stop using drugs by sheer force of will alone.

An addict’s behavior goes through devastating changes such that even the most severe threat of punishment is insufficient to keep them from taking drugs. They are willing to give up everything for drugs. However, it is not enough to say that addiction is a disease. What we mean by that is something very specific and profound: that drugs have sort of hijacked the brain’s natural motivational control circuits, resulting in drug use becoming the sole, or at least the top, motivational priority for the individual.

It is important to understand that nobody chooses to be an addict. Nobody writes in their high school yearbook, “Striving to become an addict and live a life of misery.” Although addiction began with a choice to use a drug, nobody wanted to fall into the grips of the disease and suffer the way so many people do. Addiction is a disease and the disease makes the choices, not the person. How else can you explain the propensity of people to take huge health risks and throw away their entire life? Even if taking a drug for the first time is a “free” choice, the progression of brain changes that occur weaken a person’s self-control to resist the temptations of drug use. The person who is addicted does not choose to be addicted; it’s no longer a choice to take the drug. “I just cannot control it. I have to take the drug because the distress of not taking the drug is too difficult to bear.” Once addiction takes hold, there is greatly diminished capacity, on one’s own, to stop using.

If we embrace the concept of addiction as a disease in which drugs have disrupted the most fundamental brain circuits that enable us to do something, we will be able to reduce the shame and stigma associated with drug addiction in families, workplaces and the healthcare system. Addicts won’t have to go through humiliation, or feel inferior, because people understand that they are suffering from a disease that should be treated like any other and they can receive the help they need without any judgement.

The personal and family tragedies related to addiction are agonising and desperate. The struggles undertaken to break addiction and restore lives are uniquely challenging. Accepting addiction as a disease will allow to help understand, prevent, and successfully treat it so that those suffering can rebuild their lives.


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Health vs Drugs

“One day, I just found myself sitting in my room. Alone. No job, no family, very few friends or companions. I was very much alone with my drug abuse. I had isolated myself, and had nothing left to lose. I couldn’t descend any further. Maybe I could, but at that point, I had hit rock bottom. I looked in the mirror and gave myself two choices: Do I want to live? Do I want to end my life?”

This is the story of almost everyone who is going or has gone through a phase of drug abuse.

A person who has been on drugs will tell you that it is one of the best feelings in their life. The altered state of consciousness achieved from being on drugs is so much more extreme than regular everyday joy. Once a person feels this extreme and overwhelming pleasure, it’s easy for them to be hooked on to the habit, simply chasing the initial high they once felt. What follows next is a viscous cycle that is extremely difficult to break. The high is as powerful as the low felt when trying to kick the habit. What was once the solution soon becomes the problem.

Drug abuse could destroy relationships, wreck finances, end careers, ruin education and  cause major health complications. Many addicts do not even realise and deny having problems. When you hit rock bottom, the only way left is up, but for every drug user, rock bottom may be the end before they could realize what they have done to themselves. The first thing to do, when you have reached that point, is to take a good look at how you got there, the choices you made and the people you relate to.

Consider the experience of Soldiers, who have been a part of many wars; being deployed, away from family and friends for extended periods of time, being involved in combat, suffering from severe or disabling injuries, and watching fellow soldiers die, can take a toll on them. When these Soldiers return home, they experience dramatically altered lives. The effects of war can result in not only physical injuries but may also include traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To feel better, some soldiers may turn to drugs and alcohol to self-medicate while undergoing a crisis. There are a handful who will decide to get the right help and transition back into the civilian life.

Obviously you will not get over your addiction overnight. You will be scared and upset. You will undergo withdrawal symptoms. But you don’t have to do it alone. Support groups, treatment programs, and sometimes medicines can help. You’ll meet people who understand what you’re going through, who can give you advice and lift you up. Counselors could help you find medicines that could make you feel less sick and to reduce the need to use drugs. They also teach you how to cope with problems but you will have to do your part to stay away from triggers that may urge you to go right back to where you first started.

A few have the misconception that one can’t have fun without drugs or living sober must be miserable and boring. The truth is that there are no shortage of ways to enjoy a drug-free life. Everybody has been offered drugs at some point in their lives, or at least know where they could buy them. One’s life could be very exciting and adventurous for a little while and the experience from using the drugs will be like attaining Nirvana, with all your senses and emotions heightened. Being drug – free may never get one to experience these feelings but one will still be able to have a beautiful life, family, friends, career and health. So think again because you may lose all of the above towards drugs.

An American freestyler who was once addicted to painkillers, struggled with his drug problem for years before seeking help. Once he got out of rehab, he needed an outlet and turned to running long distance.

 “It gave me a natural endorphin high. It’s easy to understand how people replace addiction with exercise.”

Exercise may help addicts stay clean and regulate sleep; a common problem for addicts early in recovery. It can even improve cognitive function, something that’s often impaired by chronic substance abuse. The human brain experiences a chemical reward when we exercise. There is evidence to show that this can be used as an alternative reward for those battling addiction, which can make staying clean easier. Quitting is only the beginning. It’s staying clean that’s the trick, and fitness can be that healthy obsession that helps you get through.

Martial Arts Therapy

The advantages of Martial Arts training are often related to the physical elements of the body. Drug abuse can leave the body in a position of weakness and a poor ability to heal. Applying Martial Arts to the recovery program can help improve physical health and promote healing. Early recovery can be a stressful time. It is often described as an emotional rollercoaster. Any form of Martial Arts gives people the opportunity to release some of their pent up tensions. It is about fast and hard movements, which is ideal for stress relief and clearing the mind of the challenges of fighting addiction.

“I have overdosed twice on heroin, and the second time I almost didn’t make it. Both times I had to be revived by NARCAN (a drug used to revive overdose victims). I didn’t want to do this anymore. I recently took up Mixed Martial Arts as therapy to cope with substance abuse.”

The physical activity and the emotional principles involved in Martial Arts will help fight the cravings associated with drugs. All Martial Arts focus on a combination of clearing the mind, physical movement, proper breathing, and discipline in every area of life.

Who says that a recovering drug addict can’t run a marathon? Or create a work of art? Or lead a normal life? The only thing that restricts a person in recovery are the restrictions that they put on themselves. If you have the right mind-set, then sky is the limit. It’s all about focusing, admitting you have a problem and overcoming the addiction. People in recovery come from all walks of life and success is not easy, but with hard work and the clarity that comes from living sober, anything within reason is very much achievable.


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MMA : Health Benefits for Kids

FItness Fight Club - Youth Academy

There would be few people who make it through their childhood without some bumps and bruises along the way, not to mention broken bones and stitches. Injuries are as much a part of childhood as Chocolate or Milkshakes, but Parents and Caretakers will always want to protect their children from unnecessary pain.

Certain sections of the society including certain organizations consisting of Pediatricians have opposed Martial Arts training for kids citing that boxing and Mixed Martial Arts condone violence. One of the main reasons cited by the protesters is that the participants can get injured during the training and competition. In Martial Arts, the rate of injury is as much as you get in football, wrestling or soccer, so isolating boxing or Martial Arts alone is not right. Martial Arts can be done safely, if the proper protective gear is worn including headgear, safe gloves and proper knee pads and boots. For instance, in amateur boxing the kids are allowed to practice on heavy bag and speed bag, and are taught foot movement, strength training and heavy conditioning in addition to sparring. The proper safety measures to follow are also taught. There are also rules that allow them to box only against kids of their age and weight. The fact is that these arts teach children a lot of skills and they need to put in hard work and much dedication to become skilled in either sport.

For children who are shy, introverted and lack self-confidence teaching combat sports is very beneficial as the training builds self-esteem and makes them survive the tough workouts and emerge proud in their accomplishment. For hyper energetic kids too, the combat sports form a good outlet for honing the vast energy they possess towards a positive output. They get to learn discipline and train excellently, which not only helps them in excelling in the sport, but also helps in their studies and future success. When compared to team sports like soccer and football, boxing and Martial Arts teach respect, humility and honor, while the team sports help us to cooperate with others.

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For Parents who are not sure about the whole program and are worried about the safety of the Child, it is important for them to select a coach they trust; they must choose a coach they feel comfortable leaving completely in charge of their child for the duration of the lesson. If parents aren’t comfortable doing this, they may have their child in the wrong program. Another aspect to consider is that Parents should not hang around the kids when the classes are on as this will make some kids conscience and they may not allow themselves to express their skills readily.

Lets look at some of the ways kids can benefit from Martial Arts:

Self Defense

The most important advantage of Martial Arts is that it teaches children how to avoid a potentially dangerous situation without having to resort to violence (through body language and confidence). In a worst case scenario of bullying etc., Children will have the tools that could keep them safe from danger.

Builds their balance and coordination

Mixed Martial Arts, Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai are all great forms of exercises and many people wish that they could have started practicing them earlier. To get kids involved in Martial Arts at an early age is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. Developing balance and coordination at an early age will not only keep them fit and healthy, but it will also help them become an athletic and energetic individual throughout their lives. Although children do not understand the full benefits of what they are doing at such a young age, it is the responsibility of the parents to keep them motivated to go to classes in order to attain these physical skills.

Boosts confidence and self-esteem

Confidence is one of the most important traits for any person to have. Martial Arts have been famous for developing this in people at very early stages in life. As kids become more confident in terms of their techniques and performance in class, they start to show the same in academics and inter-personal relationships.

Learn To Take A Hit And Get Back Up                                                                                                 

They say that you have to be able to get knocked down and get back up if you are ever going to succeed in life. No one has the pleasure of never failing, but everyone has the opportunity to get back up after something happens to them. In Martial Arts, that is literally what  children will be going through, although the metaphorical sense will also be involved. When kids get a trophy for everything, win or lose, they don’t learn to accept this, but by enrolling them in Martial Arts, Parents make sure that they have every chance to.

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Allows for socializing and bonding

In Martial Arts class, children will meet many new friends who will be sweating it out together.  Whether it is drilling techniques, playing a game or rolling – it is a great practice for kids to learn to communicate with other kids of all ages, as well as older authority figures like the instructors and assistant instructors. This will allow the kids to form friendships besides the usual realm of a classroom or neighbourhood. Bonds formed on the mat are tougher , stronger and share a code of honour.

Teaches focus and discipline

Children will also learn how to listen to an authority figure and follow instructions – an important skill for future development. Children learn various small lessons, like not speaking when being spoken to by an instructor, or even keeping their gi and belt neatly tied. They will even learn about the importance of hygiene because gis must be clean and nails must be cut. The work ethic they learn in the Academy can translate into their schoolwork and future ventures as they grow up. They will learn that hard work and diligence produces positive results and rewards.

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Helps release that excess energy

Martial Arts is not just a healthy physical workout, it also serves as an outlet for children to channel their energy to perform specific tasks.  Martial Arts provide an outlet for kids to get rid of that excess energy in a positive manner while also practicing self-control.

“It gives them patience, it gives them listening skills, respect for others and a better understanding of the importance of hard work,” says a Parent.

Another Parent says…“They’ve also become more responsible, especially at home, cleaning up after themselves. It helped them to express themselves, even towards new people. They don’t hide behind me any more. They have big-time confidence.”

It is the responsibility of the Parents to motivate their children and fit the training in the child’s schedule. Even when Parents may feel that the child is losing interest, they need to find ways to rekindle it. Enrolling kids in a fitness program that also allows them to have fun while they pick up some useful physical skills, is the most amazing gift Parents can offer their kids.


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Bruce Lee – The Fighter

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Born on November 27, 1940, in the ‘Year of the Dragon’, Lee Hoi-chuen aka Bruce Lee is one of the most legendary and exemplary figures in the Martial Arts arena. His influence as a Martial Artist and a Pop culture icon has gained momentum across decades.

Early Life

A natural in front of the camera, Lee appeared in roughly 20 films as a child actor. He also studied dance, winning Hong Kong’s cha-cha competition. As a teenager, Lee got himself mixed up with the wrong crowd and ended up joining a street gang. After Lee was involved in several street fights, his parents decided that he needed to be trained in the martial arts to be able to defend himself. Lee’s first introduction to martial arts was through his father, from whom he learned the fundamentals of Wu-style t’ai chi ch’uan. In 1953, he began to hone his passion into a discipline, studying kung fu (referred to as “gung fu” in Cantonese) under the tutelage of Master Yip Man. By the end of the decade, Lee moved to the U.S. to live with family friends outside Seattle, Washington, initially taking up work as a dance instructor. Lee finished high school in Edison, Washington, and subsequently enrolled at the University of Washington. It was at the University that he met his future wife Linda Emery, a fellow student, whom he married in 1964.


Jun Fan Gung Fu

In 1959, Lee began teaching martial arts in the United States and called it as Jun Fan Gung Fu (Bruce Lee’s Kung Fu), his approach to Wing Chun. Lee’s initial students were his friends, starting with Judo practitioner Jesse Glover, who continued to teach some of Lee’s early techniques. Taky Kimura became Lee’s first Assistant Instructor and continued to teach his art and philosophy after Lee’s death. Lee opened his first martial arts school in Seattle and named it as the Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute.

Long Beach International Karate Championships

At the invitation of Ed Parker, an American Martial Artist, Lee appeared in the 1964 Long Beach International Karate Championships and performed repetitions of two-finger push-ups (using the thumb and the index finger of one hand) with feet at approximately a shoulder-width apart. In the same Long Beach event he also performed the “One inch punch.” Lee stood upright, his right foot forward with knees bent slightly, in front of a standing, stationary partner. Lee’s right arm was partly extended and his right fist approximately one inch (2.5 cm) away from the partner’s chest. Without retracting his right arm, Lee then forcibly delivered the punch to his partner while largely maintaining his posture, sending the partner backwards and falling into a chair said to be placed behind the partner to prevent injury, though his partner’s momentum soon caused him to fall to the floor. His volunteer was Bob Baker of Stockton, California. “I told Bruce not to do this type of demonstration again”, Baker recalled. “When he punched me that last time, I had to stay home from work because the pain in my chest was unbearable”.


It was also at this very event when Lee first met Taekwondo master, Jhoon Goo Rhee. The two developed a friendship and Rhee taught Lee the side kick in detail, and Lee taught Rhee the “non-telegraphic” punch.

Fight History

In 1964, Lee saw his most controversial and well known match, that of Lee vs Wong Jack Man, a student of Ma Kin Fung and a master of T’ai chi ch’uan, Xingyiquan, and Northern Shaolin. There was a lot at stake here. The Chinese community did not approve of Lee teaching the arts to those outside the Chinese heritage. The outcome of this fight was to be that if Lee lost, he would shut down his school but if he won, he would be free to teach anybody who was willing to learn. Lee’s wife, Linda Lee Caldwell stated,

“The fight ensued, іt wаѕ а no-holds-barred fight, іt tооk thrее minutes. Bruce gоt thіѕ guy dоwn tо thе ground аnd ѕаіd ‘do уоu give up?’ аnd thе man ѕаіd hе gave up.”

Lee had another such rough encounter when a Man broke into his home to challenge him. Lee’s friend, Herb Jackson stated,

“Onе time оnе fellow gоt оvеr thаt wall, gоt іntо hіѕ yard аnd challenged hіm аnd hе ѕауѕ ‘how good аrе you?’ And Bruce wаѕ poppin mad. Hе [Bruce] ѕауѕ ‘he gеtѕ thе idea, thіѕ guy, tо соmе аnd invade mу home, mу оwn private home, invade іt аnd challenge me.’ Hе ѕаіd hе gоt ѕо mad thаt hе gave thе hardest kick hе еvеr gave аnуоnе іn hіѕ life.”

Another episode involved an extra during the filming of ‘Enter the Dragon’. The extra was yelling that Bruce was not a martial artist but only a movie star. He also claimed that Bruce wasn’t a very good fighter. Bruce asked the man to come off the wall on which he sat. His challenger was a good martial artist; fast, big and strong. Bob Wall, USPK Karate Champion, states:

“Thіѕ kid wаѕ good. Hе wаѕ strong аnd fast, аnd hе wаѕ rеаllу trуіng tо punch Bruce’s brains in. But Bruceјuѕt methodically tооk hіm apart. Bruce kерt moving ѕо well, thіѕ kid couldn’t touch him…then аll оf а sudden, Bruce gоt hіm аnd rammed hіѕ ass wіth thе wall аnd swept hіm up, proceeding tо drop hіm аnd plant hіѕ knee іntо hіѕ opponent’s chest, locked hіѕ arm оut straight, аnd nailed hіm іn thе face repeatedly”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            In 1967, Lee appeared in the Long Beach International Karate Championships and performed various demonstrations, including the famous “unstoppable punch” against USKA world Karate champion Vic Moore. Lee allegedly told Moore that he was going to throw a straight punch to the face, and all he had to do was to try to block it. Lee took several steps back and asked if Moore was ready. When Moore nodded in affirmation, Lee glided towards him until he was within striking range. He then threw a straight punch directly at Moore’s face, and stopped before impact. In eight attempts, Moore failed to block any of the punches.


Jeet Kune Do

After filming one season of ‘The Green Hornet’, Lee found himself out of work and the controversial match with Wong Jack Man changed Lee’s philosophy about Martial Arts. Lee concluded that the fight had lasted too long and that he had failed to live up to his potential using his Wing Chun techniques. He took the view that traditional martial arts techniques were too rigid and formalistic to be practical in scenarios of chaotic street fighting. Lee decided to develop a system with an emphasis on “practicality, flexibility, speed, and efficiency”. He started to use different methods of training such as weight training for strength, running for endurance, stretching for flexibility, and many others which he constantly adapted, including fencing and basic boxing techniques.

Lee emphasised what he called “the style of no style”. This consisted of getting rid of the formalised approach which Lee claimed was indicative of traditional styles. In other words, what worked stayed and what didn’t went. Lee felt the system he now called Jun Fan Gung Fu was also too restrictive, and eventually evolved into a philosophy and martial art he would come to call Jeet Kune Do or the Way of the Intercepting Fist. Lee’s JKD is a martial art with no rules that is practiced like a combative sport with real impact (full contact) and live training. This approach was very revolutionary during the time of its creation and is still quite rare in contrast to the many classical martial arts schools of today.

Lee’s Fitness Regimen

At 173 cm (5 ft 8 in) and 64 kg (141 lb), Lee was renowned for his physical fitness and vigor, achieved by using a dedicated fitness regimen to become as strong as possible. After his match with Wong Jack Man in 1965, Lee changed his approach toward martial arts training. Lee felt that many martial artists of his time did not spend enough time on physical conditioning. Lee included all elements of total fitness—muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. He used traditional bodybuilding techniques to build some muscle mass, not overdone that could decrease speed or flexibility. At the same time in balance, Lee was careful to admonish that mental and spiritual preparation are fundamental to the success of physical training in martial arts skills. In Tao of Jeet Kune Do he wrote,

‘’Training is one of the most neglected phases of athletics. Too much time is given to the development of skill and too little to the development of the individual for participation. … JKD, ultimately is not a matter of petty techniques but of highly developed spirituality and physique.’’

Death and Legacy

Bruce Lee died a premature death on July 23, 1973 at the mere age of 32. Various theories and controversies surrounded the circumstances of his death, however the Doctors ruled it out as “death by misadventure“; a result of an allergic reaction to pain killers. The movie, Enter the Dragon, was released post his death and established Lee’s status as a film icon, breaking major box office records. Lee’s legacy helped pave the way for broader depictions of Asian Americans in western cinema and produced a whole new breed of action hero such as Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal and Jackie Chan. Bruce Lee was named by Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century. Lee’s charismatic personality, radical approach, toned physique, speed and power have brought a revolution in the realm of mixed martial arts and even in death, he continues to inspire many.


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Magnificent Mary

“Never buy gold, simply earn it” – Mary Kom


Born into a poor family of landless agricultural labourers in Manipur, Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom was no ordinary girl. From living in a mud & thatch hut to winning five world Championships in a row, like Borg or Federer at Wimbledon, Mary Kom’s journey as a Boxing sensation is both arduous and inspiring.

It was in 1998 with the success of Dingko Singh, an Indian boxer from Manipur, in the Asian Games that first kindled passion in Mary Kom towards boxing and catapulted her to enhance her skills and become a professional boxer. She approached Ibomcha Singh, the head coach at the Sports Authority of India centre to teach her boxing. Ibomcha Singh recounts her being so small and young that he turned her away at first. However, at the end of the day, he found her waiting for him at the gate. In the ring, her attitude struck him as “do or die”. In 2000, she began her training under M Narjit Singh, Manipur State Boxing Coach. As Mary Kom belonged to a conservative family, seeking approval from her folks to pursue a career in boxing was not going to be an easy task. Therefore, she kept her interest towards boxing under wraps from her family. It was only after Mary Kom won the Manipur State Boxing championship in 2000 that her family found out about her stint into boxing. In an interview with the Deccan Herald in 2004, Mary Kom said,

“I still remember I was castigated by my father who said with a battered and bruised face, I should not expect to get married. He was furious that I took to boxing – a taboo for women – and he did not have the slightest idea about it. But my passion for the sport had got the better of me and I thank my cousins who coaxed and cajoled my father into eventually giving his nod. I’m happy that I did not let anybody down”


Mary Kom won a Silver at her first AIBA World Women’s Boxing Championship 2001 held in Scranton, USA,  after losing to Hulya Sahin of Turkey by 13-5 in the 48-kg round. The next year, she struck gold at the second AIBA World Women’s Senior Boxing Championship, 2002 held in Antalya, Turkey, winning the 45-kg division by defeating Svetlana Miroshnichenko of Ukraine in the semi-final and Jang Song-Ae of North Korea in the finals. Her once-skeptical father accompanied his trail-blazing daughter to the ceremony in which she was honored with the prestigious Arjuna award for her achievement in boxing, making her the first Indian woman ever to receive this award. She successfully defended her 46-kg world title at the third AIBA Women’s World Championships 2005 held in Podolsk, Russia. She won the final by a 28-13 score over Jong Ok of North Korea, who had reached the finals with a 22-20 decision over Gretchen Abaniel of the Philippines. On 23 November 2006 at the AIBA World Championships held in Talkatora Indoor Stadium, New Delhi, Mary kom again won the 46-kg division – this time with a 22-7 decision over her Venus Box Cup final opponent Steluta Duta of Romania. Mary kom kept the Romanian on the defensive for most of the bout, then celebrated her win with a demonstration of Manipuri folk dance in the ring.

Owing to her pregnancy and the subsequent delivery through a C section, Mary Kom took some time off from boxing. Despite the stress of motherhood and physical weakness, she made her return in the 2008 Asian Women’s Boxing Championship where she clinched a silver medal, followed by a fourth successive gold medal at the AIBA Women’s World Boxing Championship held in China. Mary Kom won her fifth consecutive gold at the 2010 AIBA Women’s World Boxing Championship held in Barbados.

Mary Kom scripted history by winning the bronze medal in the 51 Kg weight category at the 2012 Olympics held in London, making her the first Indian woman boxer to have achieved such a victory.


For her contribution towards boxing, Mary Kom has been bestowed with the Arjuna Award (2003), Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award (2009), Padma Shree (2006) and she also holds the distinction of being the first amateur athlete to win a Padma Bhushan Award in 2013.

Speaking about her time as a woman boxer in India, Mary Kom has said,

“To be a successful boxer one must also have a strong heart. Some women are physically strong but fail when it comes to having a strong heart. One also must have the zeal and the right fighting spirit. We work harder than men and are determined to fight with all our strength to make our nation proud. God has given me the talent and it’s only because of sheer grit and hard work that I have made it so far.”

Mary Kom released her autobiography, Unbreakable, in late 2013, co-authored by Dina Serto and published by Harper Collins. In 2014, Priyanka Chopra played the role of Mary Kom in a film named and based on the Boxer’s journey. In 2015, Mary Kom became the first amateur boxer to surpass several professional athletes in India in terms of earnings, endorsements and awards.


Mary’s greatest support has been her husband Onler who is also her mentor, motivator and manager; the Man behind the Woman. Often women find it extremely difficult to leave behind their domestic responsibilities in order to fulfil their career goals but Onlar has stood by Mary’s side in every step of the way and has never let the stigmas of the orthodox society prevent Mary from pursuing her dreams.


Mary Kom can rightly be hailed as an inspiration for women all around the world. She has successfully broken all the taboos that society puts on a woman by not letting marriage or motherhood become an excuse to give up on her ambitions. When talking about criticisms, Mary once remarked,

“Many doubted my ability to win a gold in South Korea. There is a mindset that a woman, after becoming a mother, cannot rise to great heights in sports. I think I have proved the mindset wrong.”

Happy International Women’s Day from the Team at Fitness Fight Club


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The Importance of Physical Fitness

The importance of physical fitness cannot be emphasized enough. In today’s society, that is moving towards a more sedentary lifestyle, there is a greater need than ever to increase the daily activity level to maintain both cardiovascular fitness and body weight. It is important to maintain a healthy weight and avoid unwanted weight gain or obesity.

Stay Fighting Fit with Fitness Fight Club, Bangalore

Stay Fighting Fit with Fitness Fight Club, Bangalore

If you stay physically fit you can avoid diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and so on. In addition, with physical fitness you enjoy regular day to day activities without experiencing undue fatigue.
The increasing rate of diabetes and weight gain among children and adults is a great example of why a good diet along with an exercise program is important. Physical fitness is a general state of a good physical health. Obtaining physical fitness is a result of positive physical activity, proper nutrition, correct diet, and the proper course of physical recovery which is rest. In a nutshell, physical fitness is the fine- tuning of the human body to perform and work well.
It’s not necessary to have a serious exercise routine but a good program that has weight training lifting and cardio walking will be a huge step in the right direction. Always remember that you cannot bank exercise. Keep trying and making the effort.The human body was designed for activity, and by exercising regularly and making smart food choices, you’ll look and feel better—every day. Remember, fitness is about improving muscular strength and endurance, cardiorespiratory strength and endurance, and flexibility through regular physical activity.

Benefits of Physical Fitness

Staying active means keeping your body functioning at a high level. Regular exercise will maintain the performance of your lungs and heart to most efficiently burn off excess calories and keep your weight under control. Exercise will also improve muscle strength, increase joint flexibility and improve endurance.

Another main benefit of physical activity is that it decreases the risk of heart disease. Additionally, it can decrease your risk of stroke, colon cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. Regular exercise has been long associated with a fewer visits to the doctor, hospitalization and medication.
Exercising does not have to be something boring and dreaded. It can be something that you enjoy that helps to increase the overall happiness in your life, as well as relieve symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety. Try to find some activities that give you pleasure, or even a buddy to do them with so that exercise is a fun and enjoyable activity (and one that you continue on a regular basis because it adds something good to your life).

Who Needs Physical Fitness?
Everyone! It is important for all people to stay active throughout their lives. Throughout adulthood is one of the most important times to maintain an exercise regimen. This is the ideal time to maintain your weight, build strong bones and prevent many chronic health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.


Learn Boxing, Brazilian Jujitsu, Muay Thai, MMA, or join us for Pro Sports Conditioning, Speed & Strength Training at Fitness Fight Club, Bangalore… get fit doing something fun and different… get toned and add tons of confidence!

Stay Fighting Fit with Fitness Fight Club, Bangalore.
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“The muscle-sculpting kickboxing exercises work your arms, shoulders, abs, thighs, and butt in one great workout. The calorie zapping frenzy of this workout will give you a toned body like no other workout”.

Kickboxing is a group of martial arts and stand-up combat sports based on kicking and punching, historically developed from karate, Muay Thai and Western boxing. Kickboxing is practiced for self-defense, general fitness, or as a contact sport.

High kick and block. Kieran Shangnessy (Master A's, blue trunks) vs. Andy Snell (Kings gym, black trunks). Photograph originally published on

High kick and block. Kieran Shangnessy (Master A’s, blue trunks) vs. Andy Snell (Kings gym, black trunks). Photograph originally published on

Historically, kickboxing can be considered a hybrid martial art formed from the combination of elements of various traditional styles. This approach became increasingly popular since the 1970s, and since the 1990s, kickboxing has contributed to the emergence of mixed martial arts via further hybridization with ground fighting techniques from Jujutsu and Folk wrestling.

Some of the earliest forms of kickboxing included the various Indochinese martial arts especially muay boran, which developed into modern muay thai.
However in terms of modern competition, it was during the 1950s that a Japanese karateka named Tatsuo Yamada first established an outline of a new sport that combined karate and muay thai.

This was further explored during the early 1960s, when competitions between karate and muay thai began, which allowed for rule modifications to take place. By the middle of the decade the first true kickboxing events were being held in Osaka.

By the 1970s and 1980s the sport had expanded beyond Japan and had reached North America and Europe.


Learn Boxing, Brazilian Jujitsu, Muay Thai, MMA, or join for Pro Sports Conditioning, Speed & Strength Training at Fitness Fight Club, Bangalore… get fit doing something fun and different… get toned and add tons of confidence!

Visit our website for more details.

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Founder’s Message | Fitness Fight Club

Fitness Fight Club aims to be India’s very first fitness center to promote networking through branding for both, our members as well as current and prospective business partners. At FFC, our main objective is to remove the stigma surrounding this misunderstood sport and educate the masses on its benefits and how boxing, Muay Thai and mixed martial arts can change YOUR LIFE to your benefit. Our programs are designed to increase your fitness level regardless of your age or background. Getting and staying fit and healthy is for everyone.

Through the influx of technology; children, teenagers and adults alike are leading sedentary lives in front of the computer and television. Gone are the days of riding our bikes and running for the sake of running outside our homes. This lifestyle shift has led to increased obesity and overall ill health the world over. Being healthy and fit improves not just your body but your mind; leaving you feeling more confident, rejuvenated and might I dare say, SEXIER! I see no reason in putting off a very positive, beneficial change for you and your family today…

So then this brings us to the question of, WHY FFC? Because our regime, instills discipline and focus, a definite positive in your daily life. This alone will push you to excel in all your endeavors… for work, family and society. A positive in my book!

Austin Prakesh
Venture Capitalist

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