Breaking & Bad

Because most of us have been there right? Smoking weed, dropping acid, popping a pill, snorted blow…

It can seem like oh-so-much fun and so very exhilarating when you escape the confines of everyone who always told you drugs were bad. So many people are doing it. Can’t be all that bad. Right?

Remember your first time? The first hit is generally uncomfortable, the taste is odd. You take another drag…Everything begins to vibrate for some reason…things around you begin to turn into a kaleidoscope of colors.

Now who would not want to experience this outrageously euphoric feeling over and over again. To be able to surprisingly feel both numb and alive in the same moment, forget about all the worries of the world, just break free and have a good time. Why would anyone in their right mind deny himself of such an incredible adventure?

People who don’t do drugs usually come with major unattractive qualities, like always being sober and going home early, which makes us wary of their alternative motives. What could be more fun at home than dancing on tables and cutting your foot on glass at a club?!

So what if these drugs fry your brain and kill your brain cells. Not like they hand out OSCARS to people for having healthy brains.

Non drug users tend to err on the side of extreme caution. Their version of spontaneity is getting their popcorn buttered at the movie theater. When you are young, you should be living life to the fullest, making the most of your youth, going with the flow, expanding your consciousness, becoming one with nature. What will get you there??? No it’s not travelling, trekking, exploring, following your passion, socializing and all of that typical stuff…Drugs will get you there and take you places even though you will just be hallucinating; still the experience would be unparalleled. People who don’t take drugs miss out on the chance to open up and expose themselves on a different level.

Life can get really mundane and taxing at times. Sometimes you feel like you have had enough and you just want to run away from everything. You try to find a solution but the obvious ones that are available like getting help, talking to someone, changing your lifestyle could all require a lot of effort. On the other hand, drugs can prove to be the answer to all the problems in your life. Once you are high, not only will all your emotional pain and trauma disappear in thin air but you will also undergo a life changing experience, i.e., for as long as you live because drugs might kill you soon enough.Ever been fascinated by the prison life? Movies and T.V. shows sure make it seem so thrilling. Wondering how to get there? Follow a simple step. Let the Cops catch you with Drugs and in no time, you will find yourself inside a cell. You will be famous, the media will be all over you and if really lucky then someone might even write a book or a make a movie based on you. Drugs can be your instant shoot to fame.

“I have been fat all my life and I want to lose weight. I eat healthy and exercise and I am still fat.”

Most of us are struggling to lose a few pounds. We can follow the usual route like exercise, hit the gym, take up yoga, go on a diet. We might lose weight and become healthy eventually but that would require us to put in a lot of hard work and commitment. Why should we go through the pain of such a disciplined life when we can easily become slim and skinny by just doing drugs. Cocaine, for example, will make you lose weight really really fast. In fact, coke will suppress your appetite and your body won’t be able to store any fat, allowing you to achieve that perfect body image. You may suffer from some kidney problems, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, liver damage but hey let’s not deviate from the bigger picture here, i.e., to get those toned abs and cheekbones.

To top it all, in the future when your kids are hitting their teenage years and they  question you about drugs, imagine the amount of knowledge and data that you can share with them. You can tell them about all your experiences and maybe you can even give them their first joint rather than letting some random dealer do the job for you.

Obviously you will need lots of money to be able to get your hands on drugs because all things GOOD in life generally come at a price. Even if you have already lost all your money on drugs,  there is always Grandma’s chequebook? Dad’s big fat account? When those are gone there’s always little brothers piggy bank or SOMEONE TO ROB. In the end, getting the drugs and being high is what should be of foremost importance to you, regardless of what or how much you lose and who gets hurt in the process.

Not doing drugs won’t make you any special. You may get to keep those brain cells, your health and your life but you will never attain ‘Nirvana’ unless you have tried drugs. So give yourself to the higher power of drugs and bask in its glory until the day you overdose and CHOKE TO YOUR DEATH.

The next time you are tempted to do some drugs… pause. Just for a moment. Take a breath or two. And ask yourself…Do I really want to do this? Am I ready to deal with the consequences that arise from this? Is this the best choice I can make for myself?


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